We plan to open the church doors again this Sunday. I know that some may still be hesitant to come together at this time and we understand. We don't want to make anyone feel pushed if they are not ready nor judged if they decide to stay home for a while longer.
We plan to follow guidelines that are recommended for churches to come together as follows:
We ask that only every other row be occupied and that there be a spacing of two seats between each family unit.
We will not require face masks but you are welcome to wear them if you want.
If you are running a fever, have a cough or other known Covid symptoms, we ask that you remain at home
BYOC (bring your own coffee). We will suspend "Coffee Talk" for the time being.
We will postpone our plans to have children's church until we feel it is safe for the young ones.
We will have hand sanitizer available for you to use.
If you are 65 or older (that's me) or in one of the "at risk" categories, we ask you to prayerfully consider what you need to do, Some churches are recommending the above to stay home. I will leave that up to you. Again, there is no judgement one way or the other.
We plan to do a Facebook live broadcast of the service for those who do choose to stay home at this time.
I'm excited to at least get to see a few faces and join in worship together. I look forward to the time when we can ALL be together.
With much love to you all,
Michael and Lorie